Animation Object
Parents Children Properties Methods Events
Purpose: The Animation object displays simple animations from basic .AVI files or resources.


The Animation object displays simple animations from basic .AVI files or resources.

The Animation object can only play AVI files or resources that have no sound and can only display uncompressed AVI files or .AVI files that have been compressed using Run-Length Encoding (RLE).

For more sophisticated animations, you may use the Windows Media Player (OCX).

To display an AVI file, you must first use the AnimOpen method to open it. If the AutoPlay property is set to 1, the animation will play immediately. Otherwise, only the first frame will be displayed.

The Align property may be 'None' or 'Centre' ('Center'). If Align is 'None', the Animation window is automatically resized to fit the AVI being played. If Align is 'Centre', the AVI is centred in the Animation window. If the window is too small, the AVI is clipped.


The AnimPlay method may be used to play the animation and allows you to specify the start, number of frames, and repeat count.

The AnimStop method causes the animation to stop.

The AnimClose method closes the current AVI file and resets the contents of the object's window to its background colour.

The AnimStarted and AnimStopped events are reported when the animation starts and stops respectively.