SubForm Object
Parents Children Properties Methods Events
Purpose: This object represents a window that is owned by and constrained within another Form or an MDIClient.



If the SubForm is the child of a Form, it is by default a simple featureless window that occupies the entire client area (excluding standard ToolBars, StatusBars and TabBars) of its parent. The properties that control its appearance, including Sizeable, Moveable, SysMenu, Border, MaxButton and MinButton, all default to 0. The EdgeStyle property also defaults to 'None', so the background of the SubForm defaults to the Window Background colour.

If the SubForm is the child of an MDIClient, its default appearance is the same as for a top-level Form. By default its size is 25% of its parent client area and it is positioned in the centre of its parent object.

The Posn property specifies the location of the internal top-left corner of the SubForm relative to its parent. If the SubForm has a title bar, border, or a 3-dimensional shadow, you must allow sufficient space for these components. Similarly, the Size property specifies the internal size of the SubForm excluding the title bar and border.

A SubForm is constrained so that it cannot be moved outside its parent. In all other respects it behaves in a similar manner to a Form object. See Form object and the descriptions of its properties for further details.