DoPopup Event 846
Applies To: HTMLRenderer


This event is triggered when the HTMLRenderer client attempts to open a new window. This could be fired by an HTML <a> tag with the target attribute set to open a URL in a new window or by a JavaScript call. Note that this does not apply to JavaScript Popup Boxes.

By default the HTMLRenderer ignores a request for a new window, but if the DoPoup event, is enabled, it provides the information needed to process the request in the workspace.

The event message reported as the result of ⎕DQ, or supplied as the right argument to your callback function, is a 4-element vector as follows:

[1] Object ref or character vector
[2] Event 'DoPopup' or 846
[3] URL the requested url
[4] Attributes requested window attributes (see below)

Attributes is a 7-element nested vector that specifies the requested attributes for the new window. The HTMLRenderer currently provides no mechanism to use this information.

[1] 2-element vector of top, left positions – positions not specified are ⍬
[2] 2-element vector of height, width – sizes not specified are ⍬
[3] Integer “WindowDisposition”. See
[4] Boolean menubar (default=1)
[5] Boolean scrollbar (default=1
[6] Boolean statusbar (default=1)
[7] Boolean location/toolbar (default=1)

To respond to the request for a new window, the callback function should open the requested URL as appropriate, for example, in a newly created HTMLRenderer object.

For example:

      'h'⎕WC  'HTMLRenderer'
      'h'⎕WS  ('Event' 'DoPopUp' 'DoPopUpCB')
      html← '<a href=""'
      html,← target="_blank">Dyalog Website</a>'

     ∇ DoPopUpCB msg;props;posn
[1]    props←⊂'URL'(3⊃msg)
[2]    (posn size)←2↑4⊃msg
[3]    props,←('Posn'posn)('Size'size)
[4]    'popup'⎕WC'HTMLRenderer'props

Extended Example

     ∇ {r}←DoPopupDemo args;html;h;c;s;e;p;d
[1]    →EndHTML
[2]   StartHTML:
[3]   ⍝<html>
[4]   ⍝  <head><title>DoPopupDemo</title></head>
[5]   ⍝<body>
[6]   ⍝  {}
[7]   ⍝  <button type="button" onclick="'callback','_blank','width=400,height=200')">Click me!</button>
[8]   ⍝</body>
[9]   ⍝</html>
[10]  EndHTML:
[11]   html←∊1↓¨(1+StartHTML)↓EndHTML↑⎕NR⊃⎕SI
[12]   :If 0∊⍴args
[13]       renderers←⍬
[14]       html←'{}'⎕R'This is the original window'⊢html
[15]       s←'Size'(⍬ ⍬)
[16]       p←'Posn'(⍬ ⍬)
[17]       d←'Data' 0
[18]       →Create
[19]   :Else
[20]       :Select 2⊃args
[21]       :Case 'DoPopup'
[22]           d←'Data'(1+⌈/renderers.Data)
[23]           html←'{}'⎕R('This is window ',⍕2⊃d)⊢html
[24]           s←'Size'(2⊃4⊃args)
[25]           p←'Posn'(100+(⊃args).Posn)
[26]           →Create
[27]       :Case 'Close'
[28]           renderers~←⊃args
[29]       :EndSelect
[30]   :EndIf
[31]   →0
[32]  Create:
[33]   h←'HTML'html
[34]   c←'Coord' 'Pixel'
[35]   e←'Event'('onAll' 'DoPopupDemo')
[36]   renderers,←⎕NEW'HTMLRenderer'(h c s p e d)

The example funtion show above will display a new window when the button labelled is pressed. To start, type:

      DoPopupDemo ''