AddChildren Method 310
Applies To: TreeView


This method is used to add child items to an item in a TreeView object

The argument to AddChildren is a 3, 4 or 5 element array as follows:

[1] Item number Integer.
[2] New items Vector of character vectors.
[3] Depth vector Integer vector.
[4] Picture vector Integer vector.
[5] Selected picture vector Integer vector.

Item number specifies the index of the item to which the child items are to be added.

New items is a vector of character vectors containing the labels for the new child items.

Depth vector is an integer vector specifying the depth of each of the new items relative to the parent item to which they are being added. The first element of this array must be 0.

Picture vector and Selected picture vector are optional and specify values of ImageIndex and SelImageIndex respectively for each of the new items.

The result is the index at which the first new item has been inserted.