CalendarDown Event 271
Applies To: Calendar


If enabled, this event is reported when the user depresses the left mouse button over a Calendar object.

This event is reported for information alone. You may not disable or nullify the event by setting the action code for the event to ¯1 or by returning 0 from a callback function.

The event message reported as the result of ⎕DQ, or supplied as the right argument to your callback function, is a 5-element vector as follows :

[1] Object ref or character vector
[2] Event 'CalendarDown' or 271
[3] Item Number integer (see below)
[4] Mouse Button integer
[5] Shift State integer. Sum of 1=shift key, 2=ctrl key, 4=Alt key
[6] Element Type integer (see below)

The 6th element of the event message is one of the following values:

If the value of the 6th element of the event message is 2 (CALENDARDATE), the 3rd element is the corresponding date reported as an IDN.

If the value of the 6th element of the event message is 5 (CALENDARDAY), the 3rd element is the index of the corresponding weekday (0-6).

If the value of the 6th element of the event message is 6 (CALENDARWEEKNUM), the 3rd element is the date of the first (leftmost) day in the corresponding week, reported as an IDN.

Otherwise, the 3rd element of the event message is 0.