ColSorted Method 174
Applies To: Grid


This method is used to specify that an image is to be displayed in a Grid column title to indicate the column has been sorted.

The argument to ColSorted is a 2-element array as follows:

[1] Column number Integer.
[2] Sorted state Integer.
-1 = Sorted Down
0 = Unsorted
1 = Sorted Up

The column title for the appropriate column is redrawn to include the appropriate image.

If you wish to use your own images, you may specify them using the ColSortImages property.

      'F'⎕WC'Form' 'Grid: ColSorted Method'
      'F.G'⎕WC'Grid'('Posn' 0 0)(100 100)
      F.G.ColTitles←'Country' 'Population' 'Area'

      F.G.ColSorted 2 1

      F.G.ColSorted 2 0
      F.G.ColSorted 1 ¯1