ShowBalloonTip Method 860
Applies To: SysTrayItem


The ShowBalloonTip method displays a BalloonTip in a SysTrayItem object.

The argument to ShowBalloonTip is a 1, 2, 3 or 4-element array as follows:

[1] Title character vector
[2] Text character vector or matrix
[3] Icon Integer scalar, a character vector or a ref
[4] Flags Integer

The Title parameter is the text to be displayed in the BalloonTip title (maximum length 64).

The Text parameter is the text (maximum length 256) to be displayed in the BalloonTip. If omitted or empty, the BalloonTip is not displayed.

If the Icon parameter is an integer, it means:

0 No icon
1 Information icon
2 Warning icon
3 Error icon

Other values represent the name or a ref to an Icon object. If the Icon parameter is omitted, no icon is displayed in the BalloonTip.

If the Icon parameter specifies a large Icon object (32 x 32 bits) the Flags parameter must be 32. Otherwise this parameter is not used.