InputProperties Property
Applies To: Grid


The InputProperties property is a vector of character vectors that specifies the names of properties of an OCXClass (ActiveX Control) or .NET Class that are to be mapped to the Values property in a Grid.

When an ActiveX Control or .NET Class is used as a child of the Grid, InputProperties is used to specify how the value in each Grid cell corresponds to the value of one or more properties of the child object.

For example, suppose there is a third-party ActiveX Control that displays a playing card. The control has two properties named Suit and Value that specify the suit (1=clubs, 2=diamonds, 3=hearts, 4=spades) and card value (1="Ace", 2="2", …11="Jack",…) respectively. To display these cards in a Grid, the InputProperties property may be set to ('Suit' 'Value') and each element of the Values property must be a 2-element integer vector specifying the suit and value of the corresponding card.

     'CARDS'⎕WC'OCXClass' '...'
     F.G.InputProperties←'Suit' 'Value'
     F.G.Values←⍳4 13

If InputProperties is not specified, the default property of the ActiveX Control or .NET Class is used.