ParaFormat Property
Applies To: RichEdit


The ParaFormat property describes the current paragraph format or the paragraph format of the currently selected text in a RichEdit object. It is a 6-element nested array structured as follows:

[1] A character vector that specifies the text alignment. This may be 'Left' (the default), 'Right' or 'Centre'
[2] The size of the indentation of the first line in the paragraph measured from the left margin in Twips.
[3] The size of the horizontal offset of the start of the second and subsequent lines. This is measured in Twips relative to the first line indentation specified in element [2].
[4] The size of the right indentation measured in Twips from the right margin.
[5] An integer value specifying the bullet/numbering option. 0 mean no numbering, 1 means bullets.
[6] An integer vector specifying the size of any tab stops measured in Twips from the left margin and specified in ascending order.

If there is no text selected, ParaFormat specifies the current paragraph formatting format, i.e. that which will be used to format the current (and subsequent) lines of characters that the user enters. If there is text selected ParaFormat specifies the paragraph formatting of the selected block of text. If the format is not strictly homogeneous, ⎕WG will report the format of the first paragraph in the selected block

(⎕WS 'ParaFormat' ...) will set the format of the currently selected block of text. To set the format of an arbitrary block of text you must select it first using (⎕WS 'SelText' ...).