Size Property

Applies To


This is a 2-element numeric vector specifying the height and width of the object.

For the Bitmap object, Size is set and reported in pixels. Setting the Size of a Bitmap causes it to be scaled (up or down).

For all other objects, Size is reported and set in units defined by the Coord property and, if Coord is 'User', the XRange and YRange properties of the object's parent.

For the Root object, if Coord is 'Prop' the value of Size is (100,100). If Coord is 'Pixel' the value of Size reports the number of pixels on the screen.

For a Form or SubForm, the Size property defines the area within the object, and excludes its title bar, menu bar and border if these are present.

For a Combo object with a "drop-down" list, the first element of Size (height) is ignored. The height of the edit field is determined by the height of the font, while the size of the list box is determined by the Rows property.

Otherwise the Size property defines the total size of the object, including borders, edges etc.

When specifying Size, you can set the height or width to a default value (⎕WC) or leave it unchanged (⎕WS) by giving the corresponding element a value of .