SplitObj1 Property
Applies To: Splitter


The SplitObj1 property specifies the name of, or ref to, one of up to two objects managed by a Splitter object. The object must be one of the following types:

Button Calendar Combo Edit Grid Group
Label List ListView MDIClient ProgressBar RichEdit
Scroll Spinner Static StatusBar SubForm TabBar
TabControl ToolBar TrackBar TreeView UpDown  

If the Style property of the Splitter is 'Vert', the object specified by SplitObj1 is positioned at (0 0) and sized to occupy the space in its parent to the left of the Splitter, with the Splitter itself attached to its right edge.

If the Style property of the Splitter is 'Horz', the object specified by SplitObj1 is positioned at (0 0) and sized to occupy the space in its parent above the Splitter, with the Splitter itself attached to its bottom edge.

If SplitObj1 is empty, the Splitter manages the single object specified by SplitObj2 and the space to the left or above the Splitter is empty or controlled by another Splitter.