TextSize Property

Applies To


This property has been replaced by the GetTextSize method, which should be used instead. TextSize is retained only for compatibility with previous versions of Dyalog APL.

TextSize is a "read-only" property that reports the size of the bounding rectangle of a text item in a given font. The result is given in the co-ordinate system of the object in question. This property is useful for positioning Text objects.

When you query TextSize you give the text item in whose size you are interested and, optionally, the name of a Font object. The text item may be a simple scalar, a vector or a matrix. If the Font is omitted, the result is given using the current font for the object in question. When you query TextSize on its own, you must enclose the argument to ⎕WG. This is because APL would otherwise not be able to distinguish between the text string and font name associated with 'TextSize' and other properties with the same name as these items.


      '.' ⎕WG ⊂'TextSize' 'Hello World'
2.666666746 9.625

      'FNT1' ⎕WC 'FontObj' 'Arial' 72
      '.' ⎕WG ⊂'TextSize' 'Hello World' 'FNT1'
12 41.875

      '.' ⎕WS 'Coord' 'Pixel'
      '.' ⎕WG ('TextSize' (3 11⍴'Hello World')) 'Coord'
39 55  Pixel