Migration Level ⎕ML

⎕ML determines the degree of migration of the Dyalog APL language towards IBM's APL2.  Setting this variable to other than its default value of 1 changes the interpretation of certain symbols and language constructs. ⎕ML has Namespace scope.

⎕ML←0   Original Native Dyalog
⎕ML←1 Z←∊R Monadic '∊' is interpreted as 'enlist' rather than 'type'.
⎕ML←2 Z←↑R Monadic '↑' is interpreted as 'first' rather than 'mix'.
  Z←⊃R Monadic '⊃' is interpreted as 'mix' rather than 'first'.
  Z←≡R Monadic '≡' returns a positive rather than a negative value, if its argument has non-uniform depth.
⎕ML←3 R←X⊂[K]Y Dyadic '⊂' follows the APL2 (rather than the original Dyalog APL) convention.
  ⎕TC The order of the elements of ⎕TC is the same as in APL2.

Subsequent versions of Dyalog APL may provide further migration levels.


      X←2(3 4)

0  0 0
2 0
3 4
2 3 4
2 0
3 4
2 3 4
2 0
3 4