The Configuration Dialog Box

General Tab


Table 78: Configuration dialog: General

Label Parameter Description
Recently used file list size file_stack_size Specifies the number of the most recently used workspaces displayed in the File menu.
Show message box if text wraps   Specifies whether or not a message box is displayed to inform the user when the search wraps. See also: Allow search to wrap.
Underline URLs and links URLHighlight Specifies whether or not URLs and links are highlighted in Session and Edit windows.
Display Value Tips after ValueTips/Delay Specifies the delay before APL will display the value of a variable or the code for a function when the user hovers the mouse over its name.
Colour Scheme ValueTips/
Specifies the colour scheme used to display the value of a variable or the code for a function when the user hovers the mouse over its name.
Enable Native Look and Feel XPLookAndFeel Specifies whether or not Native Look and Feel is enabled. This changes the appearance of user-interface controls such as Buttons in both the Session and the Dyalog GUI.
Enable DPI Scaling of the interpreter and development environment AUTODPI Enables or disables DPI scaling for the APL Session
Enable DPI scaling of GUI application DYALOG_PIXEL_TYPE Sets the value of the DYALOG_PIXEL_TYPE parameter which determines whether Coord 'Pixel' is treated as ScaledPixel or RealPixel.
Configuration saved in inifile Specifies the full pathname of the registry folder used by APL

Underline URLs and links

If this option is selected, valid URLs are identified when the cursor is in the Session or in an Edit or Trace window. When the mouse pointer is over a URL, the URL is underscored and the appropriate items in the Session Popup menu are activated. These allow you to open the link or copy it to the clipboard.

You may also open a URL using Ctrl+Click (Left Mouse button).

Currently a URL string is defined to be a string starting with any of the following strings:

Unicode Input Tab (Unicode Edition Only)

Unicode Edition can optionally select your APL keyboard each time you start APL.

To choose this option, select one of your installed APL keyboards, enable the Activate selected keyboard checkbox, then click OK

Label Parameter Description
Activate selected keyboard InitialKeyboardLayoutInUse 1 = automatically select the specified APL keyboard on start-up.
0 = no action
Show keyboards for all Languages InitialKeyboardLayoutShowAll 1 = show list of all installed keyboards
0 = show only the Dyalog keyboards
Keyboard InitialKeyboardLayout the name of the APL keyboard to be selected.
Configure Layout   Displays the Dyalog APL Input Method Editor Properties dialog (see below)

Input Method Editor Properties


Table 79: Dyalog APL Input Method Editor Properties

Label Parameter Description
Use Ctrl-X,C,V for clipboard UseCSV 0 = process Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V normally (via the appropriate .DIN file)
1 = pass Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V untranslated to the host application
Enable Overstrikes ResolveOverstrikes 1 = enable overstrikes.
0 = disable overstrikes
Overstrikes do not require the <OS> key   1 = IME identifies overstrike operation automatically
0 = IME requires the <OS> key to signal an overstrike operation
Use Overstrike popup OverstrikesPopup 1 = enable the overstrike popup.
0 = disable the overstrike popup


The UseCSV parameter is defined for the IME in the Registry section HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Dyalog\UnicodeIME\

When UseCSV is 1, the keystrokes Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V are passed untranslated to dyalog.exe which treats them as CT, CP and PT respectively. This is likely to be true for other host applications using the Dyalog keyboard.

The standard Dyalog keyboard (*.din) files map Shift+Del to CT, Ctrl+Ins to CP, and Shift+Ins to PT. These will therefore work independently of the UseXCV option.

The standard Dyalog keyboard (*.din) files map BOTH Ctrl+X and Ctrl+Shift+Xto So if UseCSV is set to 1, you must use Ctrl+Shift+X to obtain . Likewise for C and V.

Input Tab (Classic Edition Only)

Table 80: Configuration dialog: Keyboard

Label Parameter Description
Input table search path aplkeys A list of directories to be searched for the specified input table
Input table file aplk The name of the input table file (.DIN)

Output Tab (Classic Edition Only)

Table 81: Configuration dialog: Output

Label Parameter Description
Output table search path apltrans A list of directories to be searched for the specified output table
Output table file aplt The name of the output table file (.DOT)

Keyboard Shortcuts Tab

To alter the keystroke associated with a particular action, simply select the action required and press the keystroke. For example, to change the keystroke associated with the action <UA> (undo all changes) from (None) to Ctrl+Shift+u, simply select the corresponding row in the list and press Ctrl+Shift+u. If Confirm before Overwrite is checked, you will be prompted to confirm or cancel before each and every change is written back to the registry.

Note that clicking on the column headings will sort on that column; shift and mouse click will sort in reverse order.

Workspace Tab

Table 82: Configuration dialog: Workspace

Label Parameter Description
Workspace search path WSPATH A list of directories to be searched for the specified workspace when the user executes )LOAD . "." must be included in order to load workspaces from the current directory
Maximum workspace size maxws The maximum size of the workspace.


Workspace size is specified by an integer value followed by one of K, M, or G which stand for Kilobytes, Megabytes and Gigabytes respectively. If no character is included, units default to K (Kilobytes). MAXWS defaults to 64M on the Raspberry Pi, and 256M on all other platforms.

Help/DMX Tab

Table 83: Configuration dialog: Help/DMX

Label Parameter Description
DMX messages should go to DMXOUTPUTONERROR If checked, these boxes cause APL to display ⎕DMX messages in the corresponding window(s).
Use Microsoft's documentation centre for non-Dyalog topics UseDefaultHelpCollection If this option is checked, APL will look for help for external objects at Microsoft's documentation center, which is identified by the specified URL.
URL ExternalHelpURL The URL for the documentation centre.

Windows Tab


Table 84: Configuration dialog: Windows (Edit Windows)

Label Parameter Description
Width edit_cols The maximum number of rows displayed in a new edit window.
Height edit_rows The maximum number of columns displayed in a new edit window.
X Pos edit_first_x The initial horizontal position in characters of the first edit window.
Y Pos edit_first_y The initial vertical position in characters of the first edit window.
X Offset edit_offset_x The initial horizontal position in characters of the second and subsequent edit windows relative to the previous one.
Y Offset edit_offset_y The initial vertical position in characters of the second and subsequent edit windows relative to the previous one.


Table 85: Configuration dialog: Windows (Trace Windows)

Label Parameter Description
X Pos trace_first_x The initial horizontal position in characters of the first trace window.
Y Pos trace_first_y The initial vertical position in characters of the first trace window.
X Offset trace_offset_x The initial horizontal position in characters of the second and subsequent trace windows relative to the previous one.
Y Offset trace_offset_y The initial vertical position in characters of the second and subsequent trace windows relative to the previous one.

Table 86: Configuration dialog: Windows (QuadSM Window)

Label Parameter Description
Width sm_cols The width of the ⎕SM and prefect windows.
Height sm_rows The height of the ⎕SM and prefect windows.

Session Tab

Table 87: Configuration dialog: Session

Label Parameter Description
⎕IO default_io The default value of ⎕IO in a clear ws.
⎕ML default_ml The default value of ⎕ML in a clear ws
⎕PP default_pp The default value of ⎕PP in a clear ws.
⎕RTL default_rtl The default value of ⎕RTL in a clear ws.
⎕DIV default_div The default value of ⎕DIV in a clear ws.
⎕WX default_wx The default value of ⎕WX in a clear ws.
Auto PW auto_pw If checked, the value of ⎕PW is dynamic and depends on the width of the Session Window.
Input buffer size input_size The size of the buffer used to store marked lines (lines awaiting execution) in the Session.
History size history_size The size of the buffer used to store previously entered (input) lines in the Session
PFKey buffer size pfkey_size The size of the buffer used to store PFKey definitions (⎕PFKEY)
Confirm on Deletion from Session log confirm_session_delete Specifies whether or not you are prompted to confirm the deletion of a line from the Session (and Session log).
Session log size log_size The size of the Session log buffer.
Session file session_file The name of the Session file in which the definition of your session (⎕SE) is stored.
Use Session log file log_file_inuse Specifies whether or not the Session log is saved in a session log file
Use Session log file log_file The full pathname of the Session log file

Note: The value of size-related values defined in the above table is specified as an integer value followed by one of K, M, G, T, P or E. The default, where no character is included, is K (Kilobytes).

Trace/Edit Tab


Table 88: Configuration dialog: Trace/Edit

Label Parameter Description
Classic Dyalog mode ClassicMode Selects pre-Version 9 behaviour for Edit and Trace windows. Note that in this mode, a maximum of 50 Trace windows may be displayed.
Allow session above edit windows SessionOnTop Specifies whether or not the Session may appear on top of Edit and Trace Windows
Single trace window SingleTrace Specifies whether or not there is a single Trace window
Remember previous window position ClassicModeSavePosition Specifies whether or not the current size and location of the first of the editor and tracer windows are remembered in the registry for next time.
Allow floating edit windows DockableEditWindows Allows individual Edit windows to be undocked from (and re-docked in) the main Edit window
Show status bars StatusOnEdit Specifies whether or not status bars are displayed along the bottom of individual Edit windows
Show tool bars ToolBarsOnEdit Specifies whether or not tool bars are displayed along the top of individual Edit windows
Show trace stack on error Trace_on_error Specifies whether or not the Tracer is automatically invoked when an error or stop occurs in a defined function
Allow search to wrap WrapSearch Specifies whether or not Search/Replace in the Editor stops at the top or bottom of the text, or continues from the start or end as appropriate. See also: Show message box if text wraps.
Warn if trace stack bigger than Trace_level_warn Specifies the maximum stack size for automatic deployment of the Tracer.
Confirm edit window close on Close confirm_close Specifies whether or not a confirmation dialog is displayed if the user alters the contents of an edit window, then closes it without saving
Confirm edit window close on Edit (and Fix) confirm_fix Specifies whether or not a confirmation dialog is displayed if the user alters the contents of an edit window, then saves it using Fix or Exit
Confirm edit window close on Abort confirm_abort Specifies whether or not a confirmation dialog is displayed if the user alters the contents of an edit window, then aborts using
Autoformat functions AutoFormat Selects automatic indentation for Control Structures when function is opened for editing
Autoindent AutoIndent Selects semi-automatic indentation for Control Structures while editing
Double-click to Edit DoubleClickEdit Specifies whether or not double-clicking  over a name invokes the editor
Skip blank lines when tracing SkipBlankLines If enabled, this causes the Tracer to automatically skip blank lines.
Skip comment lines when tracing SkipBlankLines If enabled, this causes the Tracer to automatically skip comment lines.
Limit tracer display to current function in script AddClassHeaders When Tracing the execution of a function in a script, the Tracer displays either just the first line of the script and the function in question (option enabled), or the entire script (option disabled).
Paste text as Unicode
(Classic Edition only)
UnicodeToClipboard Specifies whether or not text transferred to and from the Windows clipboard is to be treated as Unicode
Tab stops every TabStops The number of spaces inserted by pressing Tab in an edit window
Exit and fix ... InitFullScriptSusp See Fixing Scripts below
If not ... InitFullScriptNormal See Fixing Scripts below

Fixing Scripts

When using the Editor to edit a script such as a Class or Namespace you can specify whether, when you Fix the script and Exit the Editor, just the functions in the script are re-fixed, or whether the whole script is re-executed, thereby re-initialising any Fields or variables defined within.

These two actions always appear in the Editor File menu, but you can specify which is associated with the <EP> (Esc) key by selecting the appropriate option in the drop-downs labelled:

In both cases, you may select either Only Functions or Everything.

The label for the corresponding items on the Editor File menu (see UI Guide: Editor (The File Menu, editing a script)) will change according to which behaviour applies. Note that if you specify a keystroke for <S1> in the Keyboard Shortcuts tab, this will be associated with the unselected action.

Auto Complete Tab

Note: To enter values in the OK Key and Cancel Keyfields, click on the field with the mouse and then press the desired keystroke.

Table 89: Configuration dialog: Auto Complete

Label Parameter Description
Use Auto Complete Enabled Specifies whether or not Auto Completion is enabled.
Make suggestions after PrefixSize Specifies the number of characters you must enter before Auto Completion begins to make suggestions
Delay completion for KeyboardInputDelay Specifies the delay in milliseconds before Auto Completion begins to make suggestions
Suggest up to Rows Specifies the maximum number of rows (height) in the AutoComplete pop-up suggestions box.
Show up to Cols Specifies the maximum number of columns (width) in the AutoComplete pop-up suggestion box
Keep History History Specifies whether or not AutoComplete maintains a list of previous AutoCompletions.
History Length HistorySize Specifies the number of previous AutoCompletions that are maintained
Include filenames ShowFiles Specifies whether or not AutoCompletion suggests directory and file names for )LOAD, )COPY and )DROP system commands.
OK Key CompleteKey1
Specifies two possible keys that may be used to select the current option from the Auto Complete suggestion box.
Cancel Key CancelKey1
Specifies two possible keys that may be used to cancel (hide) the Auto Complete suggestion box.
Common Key CommonKey1 Specifies the key that will auto-complete the common prefix. This is defined to be the longest string of leading characters in the currently selected name that is shared by at least one other name in the Auto Complete suggestion box.



SALT is the Simple APL Library Toolkit, a simple source code management system for Classes and script-based Namespaces. SPICE uses SALT to manage development tools which "plug in" to the Dyalog session


Table 90: Configuration dialog: SALT

Label Parameter Description
AddSALT Specifies whether or not SALT is enabled
CompareCMD The command line for a 3rd party file comparison tool to be used to compare two versions of a file. See note.
Editor command line: Editor Name of the program to be used to edit script files (default "Notepad").
SourceFolder Sets the SALT working directory; a list of folders to be searched for source code. Include "." on a separate line to include source files from the current working directory

User Commands Tab

This page is used to specify and organise a list of folders that contain User-Command files. When you issue a User Command, these folders will be searched for the source of the command in the order in which they appear in this list.

Table 91: Configuration dialog: User Commands

Label Parameter Description
Source Folders SALT\CommandFolder Use this field to add folders to the list of folders that will be searched for User Commands.

Object Syntax Tab

The Object Syntax tab of the Configuration dialog is used to set your default preferences for Object Syntax.

The Object Syntax settings for the current workspace are reflected by the Object Syntax submenu of the Options menu. Use Options/Object Syntax to change them. These settings are saved in the workspace.


Table 92: Configuration dialog: Object Syntax

Label Parameter Description
Expose properties of GUI Namespaces default_wx Specifies the value of ⎕WX in a clear workspace. This in turn determines whether or not the names of properties, methods and events of GUI objects are exposed. If set (⎕WX is 1), you may query/set properties and invoke methods directly as if they were variables and functions respectively. As a consequence, these names may not be used for global variables in GUI objects.
Expose properties of Root PropertyExposeRoot Specifies whether or not the names of properties, methods and events of the Root object are exposed. If set, you may query/set the properties of Root and invoke the Root methods directly as if they were variables and functions respectively. As a consequence, these names may not be used for global variables in your workspace.
Expose properties of Session Namespace PropertyExposeSE Specifies whether or not the names of properties, methods and events of the Session object are exposed. If set, you may query/set the properties of ⎕SE and invoke ⎕SE methods directly as if they were variables and functions respectively. As a consequence, these names may not be used for global variables in the ⎕SE namespace.

Saved ResponsesTab

The Saved Responses tab of the Configuration dialog is used to remove preferences that the user has previously established.

In the example illustrated above, the user has at some point chosen to save a text file with a .h extension as text in the workspace and, by checking the option Save this response for all files with a ".h" extension, saved this as a preference for all such text files. Similarly, the user has checked the option Do not show this message again when responding to the warning dialog Saving as text will ....

If the user wishes to reverse these decisions, even temporarily, it is necessary to select the corresponding option /preference name(s) and click Delete. The names are intended to be self-explanatory and are not listed here.