Step Property

Applies To


This property determines the size of changes reported when the user clicks a scroll arrow (small change) or clicks on the body of the scrollbar (large change). The object's Thumb property increases or decreases by this amount.

For a Scroll object, Step is a 2-element numeric vector whose first element specifies the value of the "small change" and whose second element specifies the value of the "large change".

For a Form or SubForm, Step is a 4-element numeric vector. The first two elements refer to the Form's vertical scrollbar and the second two elements refer to the Form's horizontal scrollbar.

For the above objects, values of Step must be between 1 and the value of the Range property.

For a Locator object, Step is a 2-element integer vector (default value 1 1) that specifies the increments (in pixels) by which the size or position of the Locator changes in the Y and X directions respectively as the user moves the Locator.