Style Property

Applies To


This property determines a particular style of object within the general category of Type.

It is a character vector whose value depends upon the type of object.

For a Button, Style may be 'Push', 'Radio', 'Check', 'Toggle', 'CommandLink' or 'Split'.

'Push' specifies that the button appears and behaves like a pushbutton (sometimes also called a command button).

'Radio' means that the button is displayed as a small circle accompanied by a description. When the button is selected, the circle is filled in. In a group of buttons with Style 'Radio' that share the same parent, only one of them may be selected. This style of button is generally known as a "radio-button" or an "option button".

'Check' or 'Toggle' means that the button is displayed as a small box accompanied by a description. When the button is selected a cross appears in the box. This style of button is known as a "check-box".

'CommandLink' means that the button has an icon displayed to the left of its Caption, the appearance of which is controlled by the Elevated property. Note that this feature only applies if Native Look and Feel is enabled.

'Split' specifies a 'Push' button with an additional drop-down button, similar to that provided by a Combo object. Note that this feature only applies if Native Look and Feel is enabled.

For a Calendar object, The Style property may be either 'Single' (the default) or 'Multi'. If Style is 'Single', the user may select a single date. If Style is 'Multi', the user may select a contiguous range of dates.

For a Combo or ComboEx object, Style may be 'Simple' 'DropEdit' or 'Drop' (the default). 'Simple' specifies a simple combo box in which the associated list box is displayed at all times. The other two styles provide list boxes which "drop down" when the user clicks on a symbol displayed to the right of the Combo's edit field. A 'DropEdit' Style allows the user to type (anything) in the edit field. A 'Drop' Style forces the contents of the edit field to be either empty or one of the choices specified by Items.

For a DateTimePicker, Style may be either 'Combo' (the default) or 'UpDown'.

For an Edit object, Style may be 'Single' or 'Multi'. If Style is 'Single' the object displays only a single line of text and the user may not enter any more lines. If the Style is 'Multi' the number of lines displayed is governed by the Rows or Size property and the user may insert, add or delete lines as desired.

For FileBox, List, and ListView objects, Style may be 'Single' or 'Multi'. If the Style is 'Single'only one file or item can be selected. If Style is 'Multi', several files or items can be selected.

For an Icon, Style may be 'Large' (the default) or 'Small' and specifies the size of the icon (32x32 or 16x16) to be loaded from a file.

For a Locator, Style may be 'Point', 'Rect' (the default), 'Line' or 'Ellipse'. It specifies the shape that is drawn as the user moves the mouse.

For a MenuItem, Style may be 'Check' (the default) or 'Radio'. The latter specifies that within a contiguous block of such MenuItems, only one may have Checked set to 1. Setting Checked to 1 on any item in that group automatically sets Checked to 0 on the others. A radio style MenuItem that is checked has a small radio dot drawn to the left of its Caption.

For a MsgBox, the Style property determines the type of icon which is displayed in it. This is a character vector with one of the following values:

'Msg' no icon (the default)
'Info' information message icon
'Query' query (question) icon
'Warn' warning icon
'Error' critical error icon

For a Static object, Style defines its appearance, and may be one of:

'BlackFrame' 'BlackBox'
'GreyFrame' or 'GrayFrame' 'GreyBox' or 'GrayBox'
'WhiteFrame' 'WhiteBox'

A StatusField may be used to monitor the state of a key on the keyboard. If so, its Style property determines the key it monitors and may be one of the following:

CapsLock    Monitors state of Caps Lock key
ScrollLock    Monitors state of Scroll Lock key
NumLock    Monitors state of Num Lock key
KeyMode    Monitors the keyboard mode (APL/ASCII)
InsRep    Monitors the state of the Insert key

For a Splitter, the Style property specifies the orientation of the Splitter and may be 'Vert' (the default) or 'Horz'.

For a TabControl, the Style property determines the appearance of its TabButton children, and may be 'Tabs' (the default), 'Buttons' or 'FlatButtons'.

For a TCPSocket, Style is a character vector that specifies the type of data transmitted or received by the socket; it may be 'Char', 'Raw', or 'APL'. The value APL is valid only if the SocketType is 'Stream'.

For a ToolButton, the Style property specifies the behaviour of the button and may be 'Push' (the default), 'Check', 'Radio', 'DropDown', or 'Separator'.

For a ToolControl, the Style property determines the appearance of its ToolButton children and may be 'Buttons', 'FlatButtons' (the default), 'List' or 'FlatList'.

For a TrackBar, the Style property determines the appearance and behaviour of the TrackBar and may be 'Standard' (the default) or 'Selection'.