Nested Representation R←⎕NR Y

Y must be a simple character scalar or vector which represents the name of a function or a defined operator.

If Y is a name of a defined function or defined operator, R is a vector of text vectors.  The first element of R contains the text of the function or operator header.  Subsequent elements contain lines of the function or operator.  Elements of R contain no unnecessary blanks, except for leading indentation of control structures and the blanks which precede comments.

If Y is the name of a variable, a locked function or operator, an external function or a namespace, or is undefined, R is an empty vector.


      ∇R←MEAN X    ⍝ Average
[1]   R←(+/X)÷⍴X
  R←MEAN X    ⍝Average   R←(+/X)÷⍴X
      ]display F
| .→---------------------.  .→----------. |
| | R←MEAN X    ⍝ Average|  | R←(+/X)÷⍴X| |
| '----------------------'  '-----------' |

The definition of ⎕NR has been extended to names assigned to functions by specification (), and to local names of functions used as operands to defined operators.  In these cases, the result of ⎕NR is identical to that of ⎕CR except that the representation of defined functions and operators is as described above.


   R←MEAN X    ⍝ Average   R←(+/X)÷⍴X  ∘,
      ]display F
| .→----------------------------------------.     |
| | .→---------------------.  .→----------. | ∘ , |
| | | R←MEAN X    ⍝ Average|  | R←(+/X)÷⍴X| | - - |
| | '----------------------'  '-----------' |     |
| '∊----------------------------------------'     |