Vector Representation R←⎕VR Y

Y must be a simple character scalar or vector which represents the name of a function or defined operator.

If Y is the name of a defined function or defined operator, R is a simple character vector containing a character representation of the function or operator with each line except the last terminated by the newline character (⎕UCS ⎕AVU[4]).

Its display form is as follows:

  1. the header line starts at column 8 with the symbol in column 6,
  2. the line number for each line of the function starts in column 1,
  3. the statement contained in each line starts at column 8 except for labelled lines or lines beginning with which start at column 7,
  4. the header line and statements contain no redundant blanks beyond column 7 except that the separator is surrounded by single blanks, control structure indentation is preserved and comments retain embedded blanks as originally defined,
  5. the last line shows only the character in column 6.

If Y is the name of a variable, a locked function or operator, an external function, or is undefined, R is an empty vector.



     ∇ R←{A}PLUS B
[2]    →DYADIC⍴⍨2=⎕NC'A' ⋄ R←B ⋄ →END
[3]   DYADIC:R←A+B ⋄ →END
[4]   END:

The definition of ⎕VR has been extended to names assigned to functions by specification (), and to local names of functions used as operands to defined operators. In these cases, the result of ⎕VR is identical to that of ⎕CR except that the representation of defined functions and operators is as described above.



      ∇ R←MEAN X    ⍝ Arithmetic mean
[1]     R←(+/X)÷⍴X
     ∇ ∘,


      ]display F
│ ┌→───────────────────────────────────┐     │
│ │     ∇ R←MEAN X    ⍝ Arithmetic mean│ ∘ , │
│ │[1]    R←(+/X)÷⍴X                   │ - - │
│ │     ∇                              │     │
│ └────────────────────────────────────┘     │