ItemUp Event 341
Applies To: ListView TreeView


If enabled, this event is reported when the user releases a mouse button when the mouse pointer is over an item in a ListView or TreeView object. This event is reported for information only and may not be controlled in any way using a callback function. Generating the event with ⎕NQ, or calling it as a method, has no effect.


The event message reported as the result of ⎕DQ, or supplied as the right argument to your callback function, is a 6-element vector as follows :

[1] Object ref or character vector
[2] Event 'ItemUp' or 341
[3] Item number Integer. The index of the item.
[4] Mouse button Integer.
[5] Shift state Integer. Sum of 1=shift key, 2=Ctrl key, 4=Alt key
[6] Position Integer. Indicates the position of the mouse-pointer within the item. It is either 2 (over the icon), 4 (over the label), 8 (over the line), or 16 (over the symbol).