State Property
Applies To: Button Form SubForm TabButton ToolButton


This property determines the state of a Button, TabButton, ToolButton, Form, or SubForm. It is a single number with the value 0 (the default), 1, or 2 (Form and SubForm).

If the Style property is 'Push', a State of 0 means that the pushbutton is displayed normally (out). If its State is 1, the pushbutton is displayed depressed (in).

If the Style property is 'Radio' or 'Check', 0 means "not selected" and 1 means "selected". Note that only one of a group of buttons with Style 'Radio' that share the same parent may have State 1. Setting State to 1 automatically deselects all the others in the group.

For a Form or SubForm, a value of State of 0 means that the Form is currently displayed in its "normal" state. 1 means that the Form is currently minimised (displayed as an icon). The value 2 indicates that the Form is maximised and displayed full-screen. The State of a Form can be changed using ⎕WS.